EUROPE/ITALY - Racism, discrimination and xenophobia against foreigners: Scalabrinians increase the commitment for a culture of hospitality and solidarity

Saturday, 17 December 2011

Rome (Agenzia Fides) - "The rise of racism, discrimination and xenophobia in Europe which is going through severe economic crisis of values, motivated by ideologies without humanism and without God, by political and economical policies, the media and 'public opinion stigmatized towards foreigners, endangering the lives of all citizens, especially migrants, as for example the recent incident in Italy" is what is denounced by the Scalabrini International Migration Network, which represents Organizations and Missions of the Congregation of the Scalabrini Missionaries for migrants, present in 33 countries.
In a statement sent to Agenzia Fides, which was drawn up on the occasione of the XI International Migrants Day, sponsored by the United Nations to be held on December 18, stresses that the Scalabrini Missionaries have increased their commitment to "the accompanying integration through intercultural religious communities, research and publications of study centers; the use of the media for a positive view of migrants; the presence at the border, in cities and sea ports; houses for migrants, displaced person and refugees; legal and social counseling centers; the animation of the pastoral care of migration of the Church".
They launch an appeal to the missionary Congregations and lay Catholic organizations which are "called to continue their cooperation and their commitment to international, regional and national Forums, so that Gospel values, the person’s dignity, transcendence, solidarity and fraternity is effective yeast for the unity of the human family".
Welcoming the 60 years of IOM (International Organization for Migration) " at the service of a well managed, regulated, legal, effective and secure international migration," even the Holy See became a member, the Scalabrinians reaffirm their commitment "to continue together with the migrants and their associations, social organizations and academic world, the media and Government bodies at national and international level, through specific missionary presence - missions, centers and organizations - to spread a culture of 'hospitality, solidarity, the meeting of cultures, dialogue between religions, the transcendence of life and peace". (S.L.) (Agenzia Fides 17/12/2011)
