AFRICA/SOMALIA - Medical Equipment from Italy to a hospital in Puntland

Thursday, 10 November 2011

Mogadishu (Agenzia Fides) - Medical supplies sent by the Perigeo International People community Onlus has arrived in Somalia, as reported in a statement sent to Agenzia Fides. "Perigee is the first to have carried out an Italian expedition of material to the Somali territory in nearly two decades", said Gianluca Frinchillucci, Managing Director and General Manager of the Perigee and Health Delegate of the Government in Puntland. "This makes us very happy and proud. We hope that this first step is a beginning to a new era of cooperation and collaboration for Somalia. I whole heartedly thank the Italian and international Institutions that have supported us during these months of hard work and who have believed and believe in us and in our dreams".
The Ministry of Health in Puntland, in coordination with the TFG Minister of Health, has undertaken the task of transportation and distribution of the material. At the general Hospital of Mudug in Galkayo essential medical equipment has already been distributed and medical machinery have been installed that will allow the resumption of the operation of important departments of the Hospital. In particular, the installation of the only endoscopes throughout Somalia will allow on-site specialistic visits. Essential medical supplies will soon be conveyed in Mogadishu at the expense of the Government in the Somali state of Puntland, thanks to contacts with the Somali Transitional Government.
The Perigee Onlus, non-profit organization has been working in the Horn of Africa since 2004 and is present in Somalia since 2010. Last summer even the Holy Father and the international community appealed to address and resolve the serious humanitarian crisis which is unfolding in the Horn of Africa, particularly in Somalia. The Perigee organized and set up a bridge of humanitarian aid, coordinating a network of collaborating institutions from Italy and abroad: Cgil Marche, Committee for the fight against hunger in Forlì, Pharmaceutical Bank of Milan, CMMB - Catholic Medical Mission Board of New York, with the support of Caritas Somalia. (L.M.) (Agenzia Fides 10/11/2011)
