ASIA/PAKISTAN - New purification water plant for 7 000 people

Monday, 3 October 2011

Faisalabad (Agenzia Fides) - The commitment of the Camillians in favor of the Pakistani people who were badly hit by floods last year continues. In a note sent to Fides by brother Mushtaq Anjum says that the religious have started the works on the supply of drinking water in the Diocese of Multan, Hyderabad and Faisalabad. The aim of the "St Camillus Clean Drinking Water Center- Khushpur, Faisalabad" is to improve the lives of many Pakistanis affected by disasters and floods. Khushpur is a village of 7 000 inhabitants, including some Muslim families. "The conditions of drinking water are very bad - reports fr. Mustaq - for this reason many get diseases caused by using contaminated water".
Father Aris Miranda, brother Luca Perletti and brother Mushtaq Anjum, representatives of the Order of Servants of the Sick (Camillians), have been engaged in this project for a long time and yesterday, Sunday, 2 October, was inaugurated by His Excellency Mgr.Joseph Coutts , Bishop of the diocese of Faisalabad, in the presence of the villagers, the nuns and the parish priest, Father Anjum Nazir. The Bishop congratulated the people and the Camillians, who took the initiative which 7 000 people will benefit from. Even the representatives of the work Commission on the development of the village expressed their appreciation to the Camillians. "This project will foresee, if not the elimination, at least the reduction of diseases caused by the use of polluted water and improve sanitary conditions of the people" refers brother Mushtaq. The St. Camillus Clean Drinking Water is a challenge and an opportunity for the whole community to work together for the common good and to witness the love of Christ for others. The Camillians initiative was supported by the Italian Episcopal Conference, the Philippine Province of the Camillians, the Pro.Sa-Italia Association, the Camillian Task Force-Roma (CTF) and the organization SOS/DRS-USA, which support the CTF initiatives in Pakistan. (AP) (Agenzia Fides 03/10/2011)
