EUROPE/ITALY - Students engaged in social responsibility

Wednesday, 28 September 2011

Rome (Agenzia Fides) - An agreement between the Director of Caritas Rome, Msgr. Enrico Feroci, and the Rector of the European University of Rome, Father Paolo Scarafoni LC, has just been signed, which will allow students to carry out social responsibility at some Caritas of Rome centres engaged in reception, and immigration centres and Aids. "The collaboration with Caritas opens new opportunities for students, confirming our training program, geared to training the whole person", this is what is read in a statement from Father Scarafoni sent to Fides. "Besides the acquisition of professional skills, the student has the opportunity to grow morally and in the spirit of service to others". After signing the agreement, Mgr. Feroci greeted the new students, recalling the importance of sharing values and responsibility: "We must take care of questions, expectations and sufferings of others. In this way we can be a gift for others". (AP) (Agenzia Fides 28/09/2011)
