Port Louis (Agenzia Fides) - Drug dealing does not seem to cease on the island of Mauritius and is a growing concern among social workers and service centers for the increasing use of drugs among children and young people. This Indian Ocean island country, which has a population of 1.2 million people, the highest prevalence rate in Africa of opium consumption is registered: 1,9%. According to the United Nations World Report on Drugs 2010, children in Mauritius, start smoking at 11 years of age, and already four years after start to use heroin and other drugs. On the island more than 600 adolescents, pale and debilitated, are assisted in the government center - Idriss Goomany for the Treatment and Rehabilitation of Drug Users. The director of the Centre has confirmed that in recent times there has been a rapid growth in the number of drug addicts. In fact, in the past mainly young people 25 years of age were assisted, now there are many 16 year olds. They start addiction by initially taking syrups to cure coughs, but are then introduced into the world of real drugs. The main causes of this growing phenomenon is poverty. Children roam the streets, do not go to school, although they are required to attend up to 16 years of age. The government authorities are trying to reduce drug dealing by focusing on prevention, care and rehabilitation of drug addicts. Even the security measures taken by the police are giving positive results: the number of people in prison for drug dealing has increased from 1,504 in 2000 to 1,899 in 2010. Social workers, however, do not consider these measures sufficient, and are trying to carry out a campaign against drug use, by organizing public meetings every week. (AP) (Agenzia Fides 31/08/2011)