ASIA/IRAQ - Christian politicians ask faithful to stay

Thursday, 4 November 2010

Baghdad (Agenzia Fides) – "There are already 4 million Iraqis living abroad. They have left a country that does not guarantee prosperity, jobs, education, a country where there is no peace. Among them there are many Christians. I think that in this way Iraq is impoverished and becomes an instrument in the hands of the terrorists. We ask all Christians not to leave, to resist and to fight for justice, for dignity, for freedom, and for human rights. I am sure that one day, when the country is reconciled, Iraqis abroad and many faithful Christians will want to return to their land.” This is the appeal made through Fides by Yonadam Kanna, a Christian member of Parliament and Secretary General of the Assyrian Democratic Movement.
Kanna, who occupies one of the five seats reserved for Christian minorities in the Iraqi parliament, notes that "the widespread violence that besieged Iraq depends on many factors and especially on forces outside the country. An important factor is the absence of a government and the political uncertainty that we live in, eight months after the elections. Christians are attacked because they are the weakest, most vulnerable victims, and are easier to hit."
Christian politicians, he says, are particularly concerned “about those forces that seek to destabilize the country, destroy liberty and democracy. It must be said that the extremists do not only affect the churches, but also other communities and ordinary people. They are acts against humanity, which have nothing to do with religion,” he told Fides.
Kanna concludes: "Today the Iraqi society, public opinion, every citizen with a conscience rejects this blind violence. However, more must be done to stop it. There is an urgent need, for example, for improving the professionalism of the security forces. Therefore, as Christian parliamentarians, we are committed directly, trying to control the process of recruitment and training of security forces who are called to protect churches." (PA) (Agenzia Fides 04/11/2010)
