AMERICA/ARGENTINA - For the Church “the law allowing same sex marriage has been forced on the nation, with total disregard for the people”

Friday, 16 July 2010

Buenos Aires (Agenzia Fides) – Following almost fifteen hours of debate, the senate of Argentina approved a law to allow marriage between persons of the same sex. Argentina is the first Latin American country to adopt this norm, in fact only the region of Mexico City (but not the rest of the country) has passed a similar law. The law in Argentina proposed by the government of Cristina Fernandez was approved by 33 votes in favour, 27 contrary and 3 abstentions. Members of the Catholic Church have been speaking of a national referendum to annul the law, but for over a year now the local Catholic Church has intervened with this proposal.
On 17 November 2009, Cardinal Jorge M. Bergoglio, archbishop of Buenos Aires, issued a statement on the position of the local Church: “The word ‘matrimony’ - he wrote - stems from the legitimate quality of ‘mother’ which a women acquires through matrimony. Erroneously many have attempted to associate the term 'matrimony' with the Catholic sacrament of the same name. People fail to remember that the word and the reality it describes was consecrated by Ancient Roman Law, long before Christianity appeared in the history of humanity.”
Less than a month ago the local Church endorsed a Statement by the Bishops of the Region Patagonia-Comahue - "A call to seek the Common Good " - to demonstrate its position. The four page statement firmly opposes the new law. The statement reads: “We are convinced in this context debate on the Proposed Law on Matrimony between persons of the same sex has been imposed on the people with total disregard for its genuine and profound sub-strata, its cultural heritage and scale of values. This is grave manipulation which degrades our democratic and pluralist nation.”
The statement not only supplies reasons for recognising this type of union it also deals with the issue of adoption by same sex partners: “No less important is the matter regarding same sex couples and the adoption of children. We believe no one has the right to adopt. Instead the child has the right to a family, as it is stated in the Convention on the Rights of the Child, in the preamble, paragraph 5. A presumed right of adults cannot prevail over the priority right of children.” The statement concludes: “For this reason we reject the proposed law to legalise same sex unions to grant them the same status as matrimony and the right to adopt children”. (CE) (Agenzia Fides, 16/07/2010).
