VATICAN - “The concept of integral human development requires precise coordination, such as subsidiarity and solidarity, as well as the interdependence among the State, society, and the market.”

Monday, 24 May 2010

Vatican City (Agenzia Fides) - "The concept of integral human development requires precise coordination, such as subsidiarity and solidarity as well as the interdependence among the State, society, and the market. In a global society composed of many peoples and religions, the common good and integral development must be achieved through the contribution of all. In this, religions are crucial, especially when teaching fraternity and peace, because they educate in giving a place to God and to being open to the transcendent in our society marked by secularization." This is what the Holy Father Benedict XVI said on May 22, in addressing participants at the conference sponsored by the "Centesimus Annus-Pro Pontifice" Foundation. The conference was on the relationship of "Development, Progress, and the Common Good."
"The common good is the purpose that gives meaning to the progress and development - said the Pope – which would otherwise be limited solely to the production of material goods; they are necessary, but without an orientation towards the common good, consumerism prevails in the end, along with waste, poverty, and imbalances, negative factors for progress and development. " Benedict XVI then highlighted how it is essential to identify "those goods to which all peoples must have access to in view of their human fulfillment," pointing out that "the common good consists of several items: material, cognitive, and institutional goods as well as moral and spiritual goods, the former of the two [groups] being subordinate to the latter.
In regards to the development of the entire family of nations, the Holy Father said it was "fundamental and priority" to recognize the true scale of property-values: "Only through a proper hierarchy of human goods can one understand what kind of development should be promoted. Integral development of peoples, the main objective of the universal common good, is not achieved only by the spread of entrepreneurship, material goods and cognitive goods such as a house and school, of the choices available. This is especially achieved in an increase in those good choices that are possible when there is the notion of an integral human good, when there is a telos, a purpose, towards which development is designed and intended." (SL) (Agenzia Fides 24/05/2010)
