VATICAN - Concert offered by President of the Italian Republic for the Holy Father, on the fourth anniversary of his Pontificate: “music becomes prayer”

Monday, 4 May 2009

Vatican City (Agenzia Fides) - “My deepest gratitude for an excellent musical tribute. I thank the Lord President for his courteous words and I greet his kind wife. The skill and enthusiasm with which it was performed and the selection of the musical pieces seem very appropriate for this time of Easter that the Church is living during these days.” These were the words of Pope Benedict XVI at the conclusion of the concert that was offered in his honor by the President of the Italian Republic, Giorgio Napolitano, on the fourth anniversary of his Pontificate, on the afternoon of April 30, in Paul VI Audience Hall.
The Pope mentioned the meaning behind the pieces that were chosen, in relationship to the liturgical season: “Haydn's symphony well expresses the Easter story: through a balanced and dramatic movement, the finale in C Major expresses the joy of the Resurrection. Mozart's 35th symphony, with its breathtaking finale, expresses to the greatest degree the love of God for man. The human voices of the choir give words to the music. Has it not been the words of the Magnificat, which has become a daily hymn in the Church in her Vespers, those chosen? These presuppose the joy and the faith of the Resurrection. Vivaldi, with his inspired composition dedicated to five poor orphan girls who were at the time living and being educated at the Hospital of the “Pieta,” express the voice of justice that comes from the Virgin, the power of love that carries out the plan of divine justice. And lastly, in Mozart's Ave Verum, meditation gives way to contemplation of the Blessed Sacrament, from whence new life comes. Music becomes prayer.” At the end of his address, the Holy Father once again thanked all the organizers and those present, asking that they remember him in their prayers. (MT) (Agenzia Fides 4/5/2009)
