VATICAN - Benedict XVI in Cameroon (4) - Meeting with the Muslim community: “May the enthusiastic cooperation of Muslims, Catholics and other Christians in Cameroon be a beacon to other African nations of the enormous potential of an interreligious commitment to peace, justice and the common good!”

Friday, 20 March 2009

Yaounde (Agenzia Fides) - “May the enthusiastic cooperation of Muslims, Catholics and other Christians in Cameroon be a beacon to other African nations of the enormous potential of an interreligious commitment to peace, justice and the common good!” This was the desire expressed by the Holy Father Benedict XVI at the end of his meeting with representatives from the Muslim community in Cameroon, on the morning of Thursday, March 19, at the Apostolic Nunciature.
“Our encounter is a vivid sign of the desire we share with all people of good will -- in Cameroon, throughout Africa and across the globe -- to seek opportunities to exchange ideas about how religion makes an essential contribution to our understanding of culture and the world, and to the peaceful coexistence of all the members of the human family.”
Recalling the fact that in Cameroon, thousands of Christians and Muslims “often live, work, and worship in the same neighborhood” and “together they bear witness to the fundamental values of family, social responsibility, obedience to God’s law and loving concern for the sick and suffering,” the Pope also highlighted that such virtues foster the full development of the human person and forge bonds of solidarity with one’s neighbors and advance the common good.”
“My friends, I believe a particularly urgent task of religion today is to unveil the vast potential of human reason, which is itself God’s gift and which is elevated by revelation and faith. Belief in the one God, far from stunting our capacity to understand ourselves and the world, broadens it. Far from setting us against the world, it commits us to it. We are called to help others see the subtle traces and mysterious presence of God in the world which he has marvellously created and continually sustains with his ineffable and all-embracing love.” In light of this, the Holy Father exhorted them to “seek all that is right and just, to step outside the restricted sphere of our own self-interest and act for the good of others. Genuine religion thus widens the horizon of human understanding and stands at the base of any authentically human culture. It rejects all forms of violence and totalitarianism: not only on principles of faith, but also of right reason. Indeed, religion and reason mutually reinforce one another since religion is purified and structured by reason, and reason’s full potential is unleashed by revelation and faith.”
Benedict XVI then encouraged “my dear Muslim friends, to imbue society with the values that emerge from this perspective and elevate human culture, as we work together to build a civilization of love.” (SL) (Agenzia Fides 20/3/2009)
