VATICAN - The Pope tells Chilean Bishops: “...mankind today feels the urgent need for examples of truly evangelical and coherent life. For this reason the saintliness of all members of the Church, and especially of her pastors, is one of the most precious gifts you can offer your brothers and sisters.”

Friday, 5 December 2008

Vatican City (Agenzia Fides) - “I encourage you to cultivate intense interior life and profound faith so that, through the intimate relationship with the Master in prayer, may arise the pastoral initiatives that best respond to the spiritual needs of the faithful, and thus, rooted in God we can reach out to our brothers and sisters with an effective word of hope.” This was the exhortation presented by the Holy Father Benedict XVI to the Bishops of Chile, whom he received in an audience on December 4, on the occasion of their Ad Limina Apostolorum visit.
The Pope emphasized in his discourse that “there are certainly many difficulties and obstacles,” and yet, trusting in the presence of Our Lord until the end of the world and the power of the Holy Spirit, “we can launch ourselves with enthusiasm in the great task of bringing Christ to all men with the same zeal as the Apostles.”
Expressing his satisfaction for the pastoral orientations drafted by the Chilean Bishops, for the coming four years, in an effort to “inspire in all the faithful the joy of following Christ, as well as a greater missionary awareness that allows the entire Church in Chile to face the present challenges with true apostolic motivation,” the Holy Father mentioned that this great task of evangelization “demands a particular effort of purification and charity from everyone.” He continued, saying: “You know well that mankind today eels the urgent need for examples of truly evangelical and coherent life. For this reason the saintliness of all members of the Church, and especially of her pastors, is one of the most precious gifts you can offer your brothers and sisters.” The testimony of faith ans service offered to the faithful on the part of so many saints and blesseds of this land, “are a patrimony not only for the Catholic Church, but for all Chilean society,” the Pope said, inviting the Bishops to “never cease to present the universal call to holiness.”
The Holy Father entrusted the priests to the Bishops, in a special manner, asking that they transmit his gratitude to them “for their fidelity to the ministry received and for their work that is constant and self-less,” and encouraged the Bishops to be “very close to them in their difficulties,” and to help them to make prayer and the celebration of the Holy Eucharist a priority. He also recommended that they pay close attention to the human, intellectual, and spiritual formation of seminarians and vocational ministry with the youth. Praising the great work they have done in promoting the role of the laity in the Church's mission, Benedict XVI encouraged the Bishops of Chile to continue on this path, offering them an adequate education in the faith and a more assiduous reading of the Word of God, “that will lead them to a greater missionary commitment in their lives. They have received a specific vocation to holiness in the world, transforming it from within according to God's design.” Among those areas of society that can be illumined by the light of the faith, the Holy Father mentioned the world of culture, science, and politics, the promotion of the family, creation of more just working conditions, help to those most in need, protecting the environment, the defense of human life, and the right of parents to decide on the moral and spiritual education of their children.
Lastly, Benedict XVI recalled the charitable activity carried out in their dioceses, in support of the poor: “we should make the Church, as the family of God, a place of mutual assistance.” In concluding his address, the Pope encouraged the Chilean Bishops' Conference to “continue to cultivate the spirit of communion with the Roman Pontiff and with brother bishops, especially with the episcopal conference and ecclesiastical provinces. For everyone, be true models and instruments of communion.” (SL) (Agenzia Fides 5/12/2008)
