VATICAN - In 2003 the Portal of the Bambino Gesu Children’s Hospital registered more than one million visitors. Recently a European Union survey put the Portal among the ten best sites for user friendliness and innovative services quality

Tuesday, 2 March 2004

Vatican City (Fides Services) - The Portal of Rome’s Bambino Gesu Children’s Hospital has been included among the 10 first web sites for quality of public services in a recent report “Top of the web survey on quality and usage of public e-service” issued by the Head Office of the European Commission Information Society.
The survey - which involved more than 28.000 browsers and businesses on the web of the old continent - revealed that 80% of the users approved the quality of e-services and more than half the users were very satisfied.
With regard to its innovative character, in the European classification, the Hospital’s portal is highlighted for many on line services like booking medical visits and diagnostic examinations, second opinion requests, didactic refresher courses on specific themes and new support tools for home assistance (tele-assistance).
Opened in 2001, has been visited by more than one million visitors and registered about 61 million contacts.
“This important result - says Francesco Silvano, President of Bambino Gesu Hospital and the Consorzio Portale Sanitario Pediatrico - confirms the international level we have reached. In the coming months the Portal contents will be available in different languages and online services improve assistance at a distance for parents and children all over the world”.

(AP) (2/3/2004 Agenzia Fides; Righe:29; Parole:291)
