VATICAN - The Pope at the Angelus says: “I invite all of you to support the work of the synod with your prayer, especially invoking the maternal intercession of the Virgin Mary, perfect disciple of the divine Word.”

Monday, 6 October 2008

Vatican City (Agenzia Fides) – “I invite all of you to support the work of the synod with your prayer,” the Holy Father Benedict XVI said in his Angelus address on Sunday, October 5. In his brief address before the recitation of the Marian prayer, the Pope reflected on the “value and function” of this assembly of Bishops, “chosen in such a way as to represent the whole episcopate and convoked to offer efficacious assistance to the Successor of Peter, manifesting and consolidating ecclesial communion at the same time.” The purpose of the Synod of Bishops, instituted in 1965 by Servant of God Paul VI, to realize a directive contained in the Council’s decree on the office of bishops, “Christus Dominus, has been once again called for by Benedict XVI in order “to foster close union and collaboration between the Pope and the bishops of the whole world, to furnish direct and exact information about the situation and problems of the Church, to foster an agreement on doctrine and pastoral action and to consider topics of great importance and contemporary relevance.”
The Pontiff also noted that “Synods are constitutive of the Church: They are a coming together from every people and culture to be one in Christ; they are a walking together behind him who said: ‘I am the way, the truth and the life’” Participating in the present Assembly, dedicated to the Word of God, are 253 Synodal Fathers: 51 from Africa, 62 from America, 41 from Asia, 90 from Europe, and 9 from Oceania. “Numerous experts and auditors, men and women, “brother delegates” from the other Churches and ecclesial communities, and other special invitees will join them.”
After reciting the Angelus, the Pope mentioned the television program entitled "Bibbia Giorno e Notte" [Bible Day and Night] will begin on Radiotelevisione Italiana (RAI), featuring live coverage of the reading of the Bible for 7 days and 6 nights from the Roman Basilica of Santa Croce in Gerusalemme, with 1,200 readers from 50 different countries. After affirming that “this event is a fitting accompaniment to the Synod of Bishops on the word of God...the Word of God can thus enter into homes to accompany the lives of families and single persons: a seed that, if properly welcomed, will not fail to bear abundant fruit.” (SL) (Agenzia Fides 6/10/2008)
