New Evangelisation in Latin America is the title of a 300 page volume in Spanish containing speeches, reports, interventions during the Pontifical Commission for Latin America Plenary Assembly held in the Vatican 24 to 27 March 2003 on themes related to New Evangelisation in Latin America. The serious threat of new religious sects, discussed previously, is among the themes given most attention. The book also includes Conclusions and Recommendations reached by the Plenary and the address to the participants given by Pope John Paul II considered the conclusion of the Assembly. The volume is presented to Vatican offices, Bishops’ Conferences, the Council of Latin American Bishops’ Conferences CELAM, and all the local Churches in southern America in view of comments and suggestions for the pastoral activity of the Pontifical Commission for Latin America. The book is published by the Libreria Editrice Vaticana and it costs 25,00 Euro.(S.L.) (Fides Service 12/12/2003 – lines 11 words 140)