EUROPE/SPAIN - Celebration for the Diocesan Missionary Day with a “missionary sending” Mass: “The Diocese that is not generous with those most in need, will not receive the God-given graces it needs.”

Friday, 2 May 2008

Madrid (Agenzia Fides) - On Sunday, May 4, the Diocese of Madrid will celebrate Diocesan Missionary Day, with the theme: “The Diocesan to the missions.” The central event of the celebration will be the Mass in the Cathedral of “Nuestra Señora de la Almudena,” presided by Cardinal Antonio Maria Rouco Varela, Archbishop of Madrid. During the Mass, there will also be a “sending” and presentation of a crucifix to the missionaries of the Madrid Diocese, who will soon set off for missionary lands. It is also a Day to especially recall those missionaries of the Diocese that are already carrying out their missionary service in various parts of the world, for whom prayers will be said in all the parishes on this day.
In honor of this Day, Cardinal Rouco wrote letters addressed specifically to the missionaries of Madrid and their its families, as well as to the faithful of the Diocese.
To the missionaries, he wrote primarily to assure them of “the profound communion and intense prayer of your Bishop and of the entire Diocesan communicating to you our immense joy for your generous joining in thanksgiving to the Lord for so many blessings shed upon your missionary labor, and upon all the services of our Archdiocese of Madrid.” He also asked that they be aware of the closeness and support of the Diocese in their lives and in their labor in distant lands, “just as we who remain here in Madrid, truly feel your presence very near to us.” He assured them of all the love and support that they would be receiving from their families, friends, and above all, from the Missions Council.
Addressing the missionaries’ families, he reminded them that those beloved members whom they so love and who are now in distant lands, are a gift from God. Not only the missionaries, but “you yourselves are also a gift for them, with your support, with your prayer, with your love; and you are also a gift for our Diocesan Church, because you are a witness to all those who see you, to the fact that there is something great that is worth the sacrifice of a son or a brother: the Kingdom of God, the very Person of Jesus Christ.” The Cardinal also mentions in his letter to family members that although there are many needs in a Diocese the size of Madrid, the Diocese must, however, be open to the missions because “the Diocese that is not generous with those most in need, will not receive the God-given graces it needs.” Thus, he concludes his Letter asking that all the faithful pray “that in Madrid, many generous hearts will follow Christ’s missionary call, just as those missionaries in your families have done.”
The Pastoral Letter written by the Cardinal was addressed to all the faithful of the diocese, affirming that “we all share in the responsibility of the universal mission, and every diocese should be willing to offer its most valuable members in contribution to this effort.” Thus, on this Day, “we sense the urgent need to spread the grace of the Christian faith, and with immense joy and gratitude towards those who, in following the Lord’s call are in the frontline of the battle, leaving behind the securities that had here to go to distant lands where the Good News of Christ is needed. These are our missionaries.” The Diocesan Church of Madrid has a large number of missionaries, who are a gift “not only for those who receive them in missionary lands, but as well and in a very special way, for us, for our Diocese of Madrid, as they surely are a source of strength for us.” With this in mind, the Archbishop of Madrid explains that all faithful of the Diocese should be “greatly indebted to our missionaries and with that, I ask that you offer them your prayers, especially in the Mass on Sunday, May 4, and any other kind of support you can. For them, the assurance of the prayers and sacrifices of the Catholics of Madrid is a great source of strength and joy.” This Day is also “a perfect occasion for all members of our Diocesan Church to grow in missionary zeal and in the number of vocations for the mission ‘ad gentes,’” the Letter continued.
“I place all our missionaries under the mantle of the Mother of God, “Nuestra Señora de la Almudena.” May She guide our Diocese on the way of increased missionary commitment and dedication,” Cardinal Rouco concluded. (RG) (Agenzia Fides 2/5/2008; righe 53, parole 757)
