VATICAN - Benedict XVI asks for prayers “for the many vocations that exist in the Church, so that they are developed with an intense missionary character,” recalling the two religious killed in Africa and commending his apostolic trip to the United States, to the Virgin Mary

Monday, 14 April 2008

Vatican City (Agenzia Fides) - The liturgy of the Fourth Sunday of Easter focuses on Christ as the Good Shepherd and is also the World Day of Prayer for Vocations. “In every continent, the Church joins in praying to the Lord for many holy vocations to the priesthood, consecrated and missionary life, and to Christian marriage.” The Pope affirmed this on Sunday, April 13, before he led the praying of the midday Regina Caeli with thousands gathered in St. Peter's Square.
The Pope focused on the fact that this Day is appropriately placed in anticipation of the Pauline Year that will begin June 28, “in celebration of the 2,000 anniversary of the birth of the Apostle Paul, missionary par excellence.” For the Apostle to the Gentiles, “vocation and mission are inseparable,” the Holy Father said. “He becomes, therefore, a model for every Christian, especially for the ad vitam missionaries, that is, for those men and women who dedicate themselves totally to announcing Christ to those who still have not known him: a vocation which continues to maintain all of its validity.”
This missionary service is carried out, in the first place, by priests “in offering the Word of God and the sacraments, and in manifesting the healing presence of Jesus Christ .” The Pontiff encouraged the faithful to give thanks to God for our brothers who give themselves without reserve to pastoral ministry, sometimes sealing their fidelity to Christ with the sacrifice of their lives.” He also remembered the two religious who were killed in Guinea and Kenya, to whom we offer “our grateful admiration, as well as our prayers for the repose of their souls.” The Holy Father encouraged the faithful to pray for an ever-growing number of religious men and women who have a primary role in evangelization.” Although some of them dedicate themselves to contemplation and prayer, while others are dedicated to a multifaceted educational and charitable work, “All of them, nevertheless, are united in the same objective: to give witness to the primacy of God over all and to spread his Kingdom in every sphere of society.” The Pope also pointed out that “Christian marriage is also a missionary vocation: the couple, in fact, is called to live the Gospel in the family, in the workplace and in parish and civil communities. In certain cases, moreover, they offer their valuable contribution to the missions ‘ad gentes.’”
At the end of his address, the Pope invoked the maternal protection of Mary “for the many vocations that exist in the Church so that they are developed with an intense missionary character.” “To her, Mother of the Church and Queen of Peace, I also commend the special missionary experience that I will live in the next few days with the apostolic trip to the United States and the visit to the United Nations, as I ask all of you to accompany me with your prayers.” (SL) (Agenzia Fides 14/4/2008; righe 36, parole 486)
