ASIA/HOLY LAND - “In the Name of God, end the siege over Gaza. ”: patriarchs and heads of local Christian Churches in Jerusalem appeal to international community

Thursday, 24 January 2008

Jerusalem (Agenzia Fides) - “ In the Name of God, we, the Heads of Churches in Jerusalem and the Holy Land urge the International Community to put an end to this suffering in Gaza" say the Patriarchs and Heads of Christian Churches in the Holy Land expressing the suffering and hardship of Palestinians closed in Gaza without services, water or medicines.
“One and a half million people imprisoned and without proper food or medicine. 800,000 without electricity supply; this is illegal collective punishment, an immoral act in violation of the basic human and natural laws as well as International Law. It cannot be tolerated anymore. The siege over Gaza should end now” the message continues.
The Christian leaders call on the international community and the European Union to waste no time where human life is in danger. Addressing the local political leaders they say: “We urge the Palestinian Leadership to unite in ending their differences for the sake of their people in Gaza. Put the differences aside and deal with this crisis for the good of all human beings. demonstrating that you care for your brothers and sisters who have suffered enough already. ”.
They ask Israel to act responsibly “and immediately end this inhuman siege. To deny children and civilians their necessary basic commodities are not the ways to security but rather throw the region into further and more dangerous deterioration”, and lead to more bitterness, suffering and deaths of innocent people.
The Christian leaders conclude: We pray for the Israelis and Palestinians to respect human life and God's love for every human life, and to take all possible measures to end this suffering. Only bold steps towards just Peace and ending the violence will protect the Human life and dignity of both Peoples”. (PA) (Agenzia Fides 24/1/2008 righe 27 parole 273)
