EUROPE/SPAIN - “As Catholics we have the right and the duty to defend the authentic family, the basic foundation of every society, today when family values are so threatened and undervalued” said the president of the Forum of Lay Catholics in the diocese of Valencia

Monday, 14 January 2008

Valencia (Agenzia Fides) - Some 86 lay associations and movements, representing the Forum of Lay Catholics in the diocese of Valencia, signed the message launched by Cardinal Agustín García-Gasco Archbishop of Valencia, during the "Christian Family Day” held on 30 December in Madrid, and supported the Cardinal's suggestion to hold a similar annual event in every diocese, AVAN agency of the archdiocese of Valencia reports.
The president of the Forum of Lay Catholics, Javier Ortí, underlined the necessity of "this sort of day to call attention to the important and irreplaceable role which the natural family plays for the individual and for society". He also expressed "indignation and rejection" after attacks launched against the Church in Spain because of the event in Madrid. "As Catholics we have the right and the duty to defend the authentic family, basic foundation of every society, today when family values are so threatened and undervalue" said Javier Ortí, adding that the members of the Forum were ready to discuss proposals for every diocese in Spain to hold its own annual day for Christian families.
After the 'Christian Family' Day in Madrid, various realities expressed their position: The Valencia Federation of Catholic Parents CONCAPA, whose President in Valencia, Nicolás Sánchez, said "the Church has a duty to denounce activity which threatens our fundamental rights and society". The secretary general of the Independent Union of the Community of Valenzia (Se-CV), Fermín Palacios, expressed support for the Spanish Cardinal "because in Spain laws are being passed which attack fundamental rights, such as the right to life and freedom of teaching and others". Support was also expressed by the Valenzian Association of Families, the Valenzian Association of Large Families, the Casa Culla Santa Isabel of Valencia, the Neo Catechumen Way and the Christian Family Movement. (RG) (Agenzia Fides 14/1/2008; righe 26, parole 342)
