ASIA/EAST TIMOR - Franciscan charisma spreads in East Timor, with testimony of simple life style and sharing with the poor

Tuesday, 30 October 2007

Dili (Agenzia Fides) - The new tiny nation of East Timor (born officially on 20 May 2002 ) is progressing in social and economic development and civil and moral growth also thanks to the presence of Franciscans. In East Timor where the people are 95% Catholics the Church plays an important role in education, formation of consciences, promoting 'national dialogue' on justice and reconciliation, providing healthcare and promoting development.
There is a flourishing Franciscan community. The first three Friars came here from Indonesia in 1988 to open a mission Wekiar, an isolated coastal area, 180 km south of the capital Dili. They helped with pastoral work at Alas parish, a 40 km from Wekiar and then at another parish in winning the hearts of the people with simple life style and care for others. Later they were joined by four more Friars and they now teach in high schools and promote rebuilding of schools and homes as well as silent promotion of reconciliation to heal the scars of conflict in 1999 following a referendum which led to independence from Indonesia. The Franciscans have many local vocations.
In 2003 a community a Capuchin Franciscans from the Capuchin province in Portugal opened a mission in Laleia, Manatuto district, in the diocese of Baucau. The patron saint here is Our Lady of the Rosary and the people welcomed the new community as a gift of Mary.
With their life style and charity the friars have become a point of material and spiritual reference for many families. The Capuchins are also involved in re-evangelisation, in keeping with the indications of the Bishop and promote initiatives for young people inclined to frustration, helping them to study and find a job and fostering their human and spiritual growth. (PA) (Agenzia Fides 30/10/2007 righe 32 parole 312)
