ASIA/SINGAPORE - Youth preparing for WYD
Singapore City (Agenzia Fides) - There is a group of about 100 young pilgrims from among Singapore’s Catholic community that will attend World Youth Day in Sydney this year. As they are in need of material and spiritua ...
28 April 2008
ASIA/LEBANON - Franciscans in Lebanon bringing messages of peace and hope
Beirut (Agenzia Fides) - The Franciscans of the Order of Conventional Friars Minor are in Lebanon to spread peace and hope, in a land afflicted by conflict and marked by poverty. They have been there fulfilling their mis ...
28 April 2008
ASIA/PHILIPPINES - A year under the sign of openness to God’s will
Manila (Agenzia Fides) - “Openness to the light and will of God”: this is the theme for 2008 for “Sisilah,” a movement that promotes dialogue, and the prayer communities of the “Harmony Chain,” an interdenomi ...
ASIA/PAKISTAN - Steps being taken towards respect of human rights
Islamabad (Agenzia Fides) - Both the Church and civil society members of Pakistan have rejoiced at the Pakistani government’s ratification of several Treatises and Conventions of the United Nations: the Convention agai ...