AFRICA/GUINEA BISSAU - Draught alert for the “granary of Guinea Bissau"
Bissau (Fides Agency) - “A tragic crisis”: were the words the government of Guinea Bissau used to describe the food crisis in the south of the country. The local authorities launched a powerful appeal to the internat ...
AFRICA/TANZANIA - Alarm for increasing domestic violence
Dar Es Salaam (Fides Service)- Sofia Simba Tanzanian minister for Conditions of Women and Children has sounded the alarm over increasing domestic violence on women in the country.
Quoting a World Health Organisation re ...
AFRICA/UGANDA - Commission established for Catholic Education
Kampala (Fides Service- With a colourful and participated ceremony on 22 April at Cardinal Nsubuga Leadership Training Centre, the Church in Uganda established its own Commission for Catholic Education. Archbishop Paul B ...
AFRICA - First meeting of directors of Catholic cultural centres in Africa
Vatican City (Fides Service) - The first meeting for directors of Catholic Cultural centres in Africa is taking place in Lusaka, Zambia 18- 22 April. Thirty four directors from different parts of Africa are reflecting on ...
12 April 2006
AFRICA - Africa’s Catholics start Holy Week Services with Palm Sunday
Rome (Fides Service) - Millions of African Catholics prepare to take part in Holy Week services. On Palm Sunday Catholics all over Africa went to Mass with the traditional palm for blessing .
In Gabon the mass in the c ...