AMERICA/ECUADOR - Slain candidate: the Bishops' solidarity with the family
Quito (Fides News Agency) - "We stand in solidarity with the victim's family, and we condemn every form of violence at all levels of society". This was how Ecuador’s Bishops expressed themselves in a statement after th ...
ASIA/JAPAN - Nagasaki, the city symbol of Japanese Catholicism
Tokyo (Fides News Agency) - Today, August 9, is the 78th anniversary of the atomic bombing of Nagasaki, the second (and hopefully, last) in history, which followed that of Hiroshima on August 6, 1945. Nagasaki at the tim ...
AFRICA/NIGERIA - White Father and Seminarian abducted
Abuja (Fides News Agency) - In north central Nigeria, a Missionary of Africa - Fr. Paul Salongo - was kidnapped alongside a Seminarian, Melchior, from the parish of St Luke Gyedna, in Niger State's Paikoro government are ...
AFRICA/ETHIOPIA - State of emergency declared in the Amhara region
Addis Ababa (Fides News Agency) - "Declaring a state of emergency became necessary as the illegal activities of armed groups have become a menace to law and order in the region, and an obstacle to guaranteeing the rule o ...
AFRICA/NIGER - Demonstration in support of putschist junta
Niamey (Fides News Agency) - A large demonstration in Niamey today, August 3, in support of the putschist military government on the day of the 63rd anniversary of Niger's independence from France.
Some of the demonstra ...